The Signs are There for Those Who Can See


aquarius moon

The Solar Eclipse in August brought a collective reset to human consciousness.  The energy of transformation and renewal has been intense since July, and we may well have been reeling from the effects.  Many have received some major energetic downloads from spirit and had experiences that are taking time to absorb.  The Moon has reached Aquarius (2nd/3rd September), the sign in which it was eclipsed a month ago, that eclipse being the opening of a magical portal of consciousness that peaked at the Leo Solar eclipse, bringing us now some fresh cosmic air, perspective and detachment into the equation.  This will help us make the internal shifts we have to make to integrate what’s come our way, and become more fully ourselves, better able to joyfully live out our part within the whole.

aquarius moon

Aquarius Moon Sunday Morning

Gentle Sunshine Outside

Air Is Still, Trees Green and Serene

Birdsong the sweet, sweet soundtrack.

Koo Koo sing the Wood Pigeons

Humanity is so Koo Koo

My heart sings with the birds

Humanity’s suffering is worse than absurd

Only we forget that we are the Dance

…. and all the dancers….

My Dragon wings been outstretched

This Summer as the Lion Sun brought rebirth

Life’s vibration shifting and lifting

My Heart sings with the birds

As old stories end and new tales begin

Could this be the time to reveal to the world

That the only thing that cuts us off from our love and our light

Is the despicable concept of Sin

Gentle Virgo Sunshine and Expansive Aquarian Moon

The Signs are There for Those Who Can See

It’s time we were singing a new tune

A huge change is coming soon


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