mystery school


planet earth is mystery school
an adventure in consciousness
Spirit’s theme park of thrills and spills.
Love is the key to unlock the mystery
Love reveals the Oneness between you and me.

when the body dies
we return to love’s infinite ocean
free once more to remember it all
but if we find the ocean shore while here
we may become less afraid, become a lot freer;
to question the delusions of the world
is the gift of being queer.

as Pride season approaches
we see how far we have come
how much we have assimilated and been bought off
by consumerist, materialist greed
or whether we are lighting the way
to a Queer age of Self-Discovery
that breaks down barriers and brings love to all
revealing the mystery behind why we are here
responding to the Spirit’s call

that you are me and I am you
where we recognised reincarnation
and were able to trace our soul path through creation
a fine queer place that world would be
as we unlock the mystery
and the Oneness of life becomes plain to see

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