The Pisces Full Moon on 14th September opened the equinoctial spirit, a whole 9 days before the balance point of the solar equinox, which falls on September 23rd this year. These 9 days are a gift from the universe, if we are able to receive it – we are in a portal of transition out of Summer and into the Libran start of the Autumn, in which we are being invited to slow down, rest, release and see where we are in life now. I’ve seen so many huge transformations in lots of people over recent years – the ride of life is at high intensity, for most people personally as well as for all of us collectively. Having studied the Path of spiritual evolution and awakening since the mid 1990s, I can see we are heading toward even bigger shifts in the coming years, so this is the ideal time to engage the solar Virgo spirit that we are moving through right now and educate ourselves on the bigger processes underway in human consciousness.

The equinox shift into Libra month can be a jolt to the system. It’s not only the weather that changes at this time, so do the vibrations of our inner fields. Equinox brings the shift from the external, joy-focussed activities of summer towards the more emotionally and internally focussed journey of the darker half of the year.

Elementally, the shift can be perceived as moving from summer fire to autumn water – we are entering a time when emotional connection moves to the centre of focus after a period of summer creativity and play. When we do not make a conscious shift in our inner attention the body reacts to force us there, for example we get struck down with colds and flu – and sure enough this will shift us into our feelings, and hopefully bring us loving support from those who love us. Nature is clever, and always pulling or pushing us along the Way when we don’t go willingly.

The Pisces Full Moon was I’m sure one of the most intense energies of the year for some people. Full moons are always emotional and Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, is able to feel every emotion going around. Without spiritual awareness of the cycles nature takes us through, we can be swept up in these waves and end up feeling battered on the post full moon shores.

Every full moon opens up a polarity in consciousness – invites us to pay attention to the state of play of that polarity in our own lives. Putting it simply, when the Sun is in Virgo and the Full Moon in Pisces we are being asked to find the balance between our physical and spiritual needs. This was a grounding full moon, since Virgo is an earth sign and Pisces water. Knowing this we can be prepared to make room to listen to what the body is asking/telling us, make way for the emotions in us to flow out and release. We can be aware that we are likely to be feeling very sensitive, as the piscean energy field is wide open, and aware of the danger of being over-analytical, over-critical, over-thinking (all virgoan hazards). Knowing that we are in an earth and water balance, it’s time to give the mind a back seat, let it become the observer, the witness of what is emerging.

Since April this year the teacher planet Saturn has been retrograde, taking us all through some big internal shifts, bringing the lessons and sometimes hard challenges. This phase ended on the 18th September and is adding to the possibility of finding some peace and calm right now. Saturn going direct gives us all the chance to move forwards, both with our projects and in our inner world.

Meditate. Study. Read. Write. Virgo Sun engages the mental fields at the same time as it invites us to take care of the body, to give it the sustenance and rest it needs at summer’s end. It matters how we use our minds, what we hold in them, what we give our attention to, how we view life, the stories we tell ourselves – the activity in our mind feeds directly into our subconscious, which then reaches out in the ether to attach to the things it is hearing. The subconscious does not filter out the negative/dark stuff, it just absorbs it all and attempts to manifest it, sending its efforts directly into our emotional field.

A largely missing point of understanding in the collective modern culture is that happiness or suffering are the result of the thoughts and beliefs we are harbouring. This is one of the points of the year when we can slow down enough to make improvements where needed in our thinking. Every thought leads to a feeling – the mind is a vehicle or tool for our consciousness just as much as the body, and it works much better when trained.

Autumn Equinox 2019: the world is on the brink of something huge, the next decade is going to be critical in deciding our future as a species, in deciding the future of our planet. Wake up world, there’s a big, big picture going on, and each of us holds a key to open up the understanding and awareness that is needed globally right now. Everybody has a part to play, for as we grow, our frequencies lighten and affect the world around us. Awakening is a game – perhaps a game of dominoes, when one person gets it, it triggers a chain reaction, spreading round the world, until a new dawn arrives.

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