Humanity’s Aquarian Rebirth



A thing we all have in common

It can be charted, mapped and explored.

Just as there is a physical universe

There are also vast mental, emotional and spiritual layers of creation

Each one as vast as the physical, as complex

Each one open to our searching.


CONSCIOUSNESS is a magical thing

it operates through attraction, love and karma

it is opened through compassion, selflessness, service

through devotion and knowledge


MAPS OF CONSCIOUSNESS exist, such as the chakra system, the kabbalistic tree of life and the astrological wheel of the year.  We can ignore, deny these things, but that basically  destines us to be pawns of life, destined to suffer the swings and dives until we perhaps find a route to wisdom.  If we study the wisdom traditions that have existed since before religions, and which survive despite the prevailing scientific rational outlook, we can become pioneer psychonauts unlocking the secrets of the mystery of consciousness we all find ourselves in.  That’s what we come to do here – to find, then to love, express and be – ourselves.  Each one of us a unique version of the One Consciousness.


Our beliefs shape our reality

we open or close our own gates

it’s our choice to explore or ignore

the potential of the cosmic human

birthing a multidimensional age

that was long foreseen


CONSCIOUSNESS is the mystery

and planet earth is the school

we’ll never discover what it’s all about

by denying the seekers and teachers who came before

nor will we awaken to wisdom

by obeying all the rules

for rules are designed to constrain us

and divide the world into wrong and right

cutting us off from the source of Light


Reality is a rainbow miracle

and humanity is on the verge

of a breakthrough, a revelation

a cosmic Aquarian surge


The Sun, the Moon, the stars, the planets

The Earth herself are with us on the Way

Consciousness is the miracle

but the ride can get rough and tough

when the going gets tough

the tough pray


We are a UNITY experiencing DIVERSITY

a ONE become MANY

to become ONE again.

Love, Light and Laughter

Play, Joy, Pleasure and Touch

These are the divine gifts of the body:

Seek out what makes the heart sing

if the shockwaves get too much


Many are losing, but many are choosing

to become more aware, to care

Community of Souls is coming to Planet Earth.

Humanity’s Aquarian Rebirth.

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