The Web of Life


Is a Dancing Oneness


An Eternal Cycle

Designed to Carry Us Home.


The Web gave birth

to a self-conscious species

whose purpose it is to care for the creatures

and create with the power divine within us –

the Infinite Creative Potential of the Holy I AM.


Gifted with Self Awareness,

but blind to Unity and Interdependence,

this species birthed religions to bridge the gap

but forgot that religion is meant to be a map

not a destination.


The goal is to return to the Garden

where once our games were all joy

before the rules and rigours of our evolution

sent humans into dreams and delusion.


We will still experience separation

but once we understand the game

we’ll be on the path of re-unification

and life will never be the same.

Worlds Above & Worlds Below: Goddess Prayer


At this time Humanity reaps what it has sown,

We each find out how much we have grown

in this year of rapid transformation

at this time of evolution’s culmination.

Religious fools are screaming “End Times”

but the end that is due is of the delusion

of separation and individuality

that is ruling the human mind.

The Dead will return, the Christ-Self too

Judgement Day is upon us

But It’s not what people think it is.

The Dead never went away, nor did the Goddess

it’s humans who lost their second sight

forgot how to talk to trees, winds, sun, moon and rain

who convinced themselves life must be suffering and pain.

Now is the time to reunite the Worlds

For the Healing of the Earth

and to start living from Joy again.


Goddess I am your child

Come be always at my side

Lead me through the veils to light

Grant me your holy second sight

Teach me of the eternal way

Sacred are the Goddess Days.

The Return of the Goddess

The Holy Spirit Herself



Birthing her children

Into her Domain

The Wheel of Life

Takes us round again

Teach us of the Eternal Way

Sacred are these Goddess Days

Libra New Moon Goddess




these are the Ways of the GODDESS

through these things we know we belong

to the Cosmos, to LIFE itself.


The Goddess within us all

brings our lives true wealth,

Her cycles, seasons and wisdom

generate well-being and health.


In ancient times known as Mother Cybele,

as Isis, Ishtar, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite

as Venus, Diana, Freya and many more names.

Revered by Christians as the humble Virgin,

Her true powers hidden as Holy Spirit,

the Goddess is the Comforter, the Redeemer of our world.

Attuning to Her Presence within and with-out

is what humanity needs to do

to bring the Shift of the Ages about.





through these things, through the Mother’s love

may Humanity finally learn how to get along.

We All Come from the Goddess

Pleasure is a Goddess

The Ancients knew

Pleasure dissolves the boundaries

Between Me and You





We All Come from the Goddess

Every Body has her nipples

Every Soul loves pleasure, joy and laughter

the rituals of her presence.


The body is Her holy temple

as is the Earth and all its creatures

as are the oceans, forests, mountains, rivers

and the animals are spirit teachers.


The Goddess accepts, welcomes, loves all life

in this her love is quite unlike

that of the Father God as presented by religion,

who excludes and deludes, supports war and domination.


We are ALL Her divine human children

created to aim for the highest reaches

of cosmic light and knowledge,

it’s just that as a species

we need to go back to college.


Relearn Her Ways

Reconnect the Spirit

Release the power of shamans

that the Father Religions tried to steal;

tap the mysterious power of gender-fluidity,

the wisdom of the differently-abled,

honour all forms of love

restore the Divine Feminine to her throne:

these things can bring humanity home.


The suppression of the Queer

so that our kind must live in fear

kills humanity’s connection to magic:

for we were the ones who opened the gates

in the tribal peoples and the ancient faiths.


Great Goddess Inanna appointed us to be her servants

because of the curse her dark sister put on us;

we would be both honoured and feared at the same time

and hated sometimes too,

but She prophesied the day would come

when our light, our love would rise renewed.

RAVING (about Spirit) in ’95

I was supposed to be home, sad and dying

but I was in Soho drinking and flying.

I’d just had such cosmic visions –

met the Goddess through energy and rhythms,

felt euphoric and inspired,

full of life, somewhat wired…

I soon got told by a down to earth queen

to stop acting like a messiah.


I wanted every gay to know

I’d discovered a way for us to grow

from caterpillars greedily chewing at life

to butterflies filling the world with light;

there’s a path for us to follow

over the rainbow to our own sweet magic Self:

the Spirit was clearly showing me that

the persistent repression of our nature for a thousand years

is the cause of our issues with health.


People didn’t want to hear

that I’d found a way to transcend fear.

People didn’t want to know

that the Goddess had sent me to sow

some seeds of truth about our queer spirit,

that if we can wake up and truly shine

the sky is not even the limit.


Death seemed now to me irrelevant,

for surely I’d been on this ride throughout time

as the rocks, as the microbes, as all creatures;

suddenly I saw that Divinity

is the most hidden of humanity’s features:

Hidden by Church and State

in order to create

a world subservient to their need and greed:

they achieved this through imposing

a twisted, unholy creed.


Imitating the God of the Jewish Testament

the Christians conceived a jealous God

who wanted all other versions of himself destroyed.

Through this ”God of Love”

the most horrendous atrocities have been justified

from the 4th century til modern times.

People today scream about Islamic extremism

but they should study their own history

and start apologising.


A few years later I met Queer Pagans and Radical Faeries:

at last people in touch with the Great Mystery, and since then

while building community that reaches across the globe

I’ve been deeply researching our history.

The deep roots of homophobia go back to our roles

in the ancient religions, as the healers of souls,

as conduits of spirit, connected to the earth through sex.

Sodomy and sorcery have long been bedfellows

it was because of fear of our power

that we ended up as faggots and on gallows,

and then in stocks, prisons and psychiatric wards:




Throughout centuries gay men were known as Ganymedes

the beloved of Zeus and the sign of Aquarius:

as the astrological age of the water bearer begins

Gays today have an urgent need

to embrace our souls and get over the greed

trained into us by a consumer society –

we’ve lived so many lives of devotion and piety

called to holy service even when our sexuality was denied –

it’s through nature – and the body – that we meet Spirit

for our love is entirely natural

but it’s purpose in the human scheme of evolution

is Divine.

That’s why, to keep the world asleep,

the State and Church put so much effort

into making gay love something evil

in every human’s mind.


Dionysus, Artemis, Cybele, Pan, Priapus, Apollo:

queer love was once seen as holy

and will be again tomorrow.

Message from the Virgin Sun

SUN SHINING on an aquarian moon day morning

FULL MOON building and a new life dawning.

LIGHT STREAMING from the water bearer’s cup

ILLUMINATING THE PATH to the full moon of the Fish.




The Divine Angel race is waiting to be born.

Good and Evil exist only in the mind

The key to peace and harmony comes through being

Compassionate and kind.

The Heart contains the door to multidimensional love,

It’s opened through beliefs and thoughts and actions.

The Body is the vehicle for transcendental delight,

just remember that the God and Goddess

are found on the inside.



There’s so much waiting in the multiverse for humanity to find.

THE SPIRIT DIMENSIONS are waiting for us

To reach IN/OUT to them, without dogma or fuss.

UNION is a pure, ecstatic, simple, sacred state

As we each individually grasp this

We find the Way to the Aquarian Age.


We are going through a dimensional shift

A new paradigm emerging

We are healing the rift that exists

Between the worlds.

To do this we need to heal

the rifts that exist within and between us:

between races, between nations

between male and female

between straight and gay…






The great tides and strides of history

all part of the Divine Plan:

A species left to rule its world

To build a divine sisterbrotherhood

without the Goddess’s guiding hand.

As we reach the point of unification

voices of love and wisdom arise in every land,

but they’re not the ones in power,

this we should understand



Whether it will be peaceful or violent

is in humanity’s hands.

Monotheism has had its day

Monotheism has done its job:
can those ‘ours is the way’ preachers please move along.
A new age is coming to the earth
the human spirit is ready to sing a new song.

Monotheism has had its day:
we now know there are so many ways to pray
the mystery of spirit, flesh, heart and mind
there’s glory inside for us each to find
in our own chosen way.

Salvation isn’t about life after death –
Enlightenment can be found with each breath:
there are infinite ways to approach the divine.
Humanity’s paths all speak of this time
of radical change, awakening and light
– and some speak of disruption, terror and blight –
but the power is in our hands and hearts
to wake up to the plan of Creation
and step up to play out parts –
to form a future built as we choose,
we are Divine Creators
and there’s nothing to lose…

religion, the Piscean legacy, keep people stuck in the trap
thinking god is elsewhere and the world so bad…
Spirituality is the Aquarian way of Self-discovery,
of liberation, understanding and loving community.

There is nothing but human minds
holding back the progress to unity….
What we conceive we create,
we need a new global story
that recognises our Oneness
and the many routes to Glory.

Earth centred traditions once derided, are now respected
For their wisdom and knowledge
Of the body, of the stars, of other worlds, of the soul.
The Union of all paths is the goal.
We’ve tried living without God
God knows we’ve tried
But faith is something that we have deeply invested inside.
Until the separate self unites with its deep core, the divine place in us that knows we are a part of so much more….
Humanity continues to create more and more
Drama discord and disease…

In our struggles we’ve raped and pillaged the earth.
2020s is the decade where we become ready to give birth
To an enlightened humanity and change our world.

The elemental structure of Nature
Shows us the way to heal, to wholeness, balance, peace.
Nature will find a new harmony
When the madness in humanity has ceased.


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Human beings how lucky we are

to be on this earth around this star

in a solar system divinely designed to keep us blind

to the rest of the cosmos and life on other worlds –

until we are ready to accept what’s there to find;

designed to keep us blind, as we evolve the human mind

beyond conflict to a place compassionate and kind,

and weave a planetary story that prepares us to take our place

in the universal family as the Divine Human Race.


Long ago there were humans who saw through it all

felt the Presence of Spirit and answered its call;

mind was uncluttered, there had been no Fall:

but the darkness was coming, they knew memories would fail

so they built great stone monuments that would ever prevail,

that would withstand the Elements, the storms and the gales

and keep their Great Secrets, their Holy Grail

until a time in the future when the Old Ways would once again rise –

after centuries in which magic had been ridiculed, her practitioners despised –

the Old Ways returning, the Great Wheel moving on,

a brand new humanity, singing new songs.


Life brings us to CRISIS POINTS

because we are here to HEAL

our wounds of disconnection

from the one thing that’s really real.

Life hits us with emotions

Because we’re here to FEEL

the nice stuff and the tough stuff

to build a powerful psychic field

that can channel higher vibrations

in the service of a RENEWED CREATION.


Life is sensual, erotic,

with a quiet mind there is little but delight,

body and heart connect us to spirit

but the mind can trap us in fright, fight and flight.

The Human Soul seeks to know

its greatest reach, its brightest show,

to soar through the Universe

and know itself at home on the Earth

to feel its Freedom and realise its Bliss –

to dance in Love and know the Spirit’s kiss.

Pleasure is a Goddess, the Ancients Knew

Pleasure dissolves the boundaries between Me and You.

rainbow goddess2

Once the Peoples of Europe danced with Dionysus

Saw Love as a Goddess and Pleasure as her Worship

Knew that mysteries of Sex, Gender and Intoxication

were routes to Holy Transcendence, Ecstasy, Elation.


The Peoples of Europe once spoke with the Trees

Danced and Made Love in Sacred Groves.

The Armies of the Cross destroyed all these

and nowadays few people know

the Dryads, the Sprites of Water and Fire

the Spirits in the Breeze.


The People in Europe once danced around Fires

Communed, told stories and saw pictures in the flames:

This healed Souls and brought Wonderment, Joy and Grace

Brought touch with the deep nature of the Human Race.


The Peoples of Europe once built Stone Circles

Aligned to the Stars and the Sun,

They honoured the Old Ones and danced with Faerie

and this Journey we’re still on was begun.


The Old People of Europe danced with the Goddess

calling her Diana, Aphrodite, Venus, Danu, Sulis, Cybele, Freya, Frigga…

Her Temples were Ancient and Holy

but the Christians named her the Devil

and attempted to wipe out Her worship and memory

by murdering her priestesses, desecrating her holy places

and burning heretics, sodomites and witches.


The Old People of Europe were Nature folk

In Nature which they met Divine Presence

But the Swords of the Cross came to impose another way

The Goddess retreated:

She permitted their wars, their corrupt ways

Permitted separation from Her bosom

Until the human journey to Selfhood is completed

until the final days of HISstory

and the Triumphant Coming of Hers.


We ARE the OLD ONES, We never went away

As we remember the soul’s truth, we reconnect to the Way

The Cycles of Eternity are bringing us Home

To a World full of Wonder and Light

We each have within us the Power and the Glory

We can bring this world out of its long dark night.

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The Seven Headed Beast


Ever growing numbers of people in the world are understanding and feeling that life is a unity:

a cosmic dance of matter, mind, emotion and spirit,a journey of the soul with divinity the goal…

...but they don’t work in the governments and they don’t work in the media, they don’t work in business… and they rarely show up in churches… they don’t show their heads in academia or the law and there’s no sign of them in the military … 

no wonder our modern world is ever so poor in wisdom, equality and peace for the system in which we operate is a seven headed, rapacious, violent beast

– destroying the earth – as it has destroyed so many of her creatures, pillaged and ravaged her cultures, a 7 headed beast whose reign of terror will one day cease. 

Rising from the core of who we are, the innate presence of oneness, wonder and bliss, the knowledge that life is a journey to Self, to the Love within that is our true wealth.

Acknowledging difference -it’s through diversity we realise unity -hearing the call across the world to healing and community.



When we realise it’s not simply a virus, not spread through drops in the air, but a manifestation of our collective longing to come home to Who We Really Are, of the longing in our souls for us to evolve beyond confusion, separation and despair….

What a joyful celebration that will be, Crown chakras opened to let in Infinity, Life and death united as two sides of one coin, and the whole world coming to see

That I Am Another You And You Are Another Me

Eclipse Season Summer 2020

We approach the Priest’s Moon Eclipse

New energies emerging:

May life’s disparate impulses

be at last converging …

Across many lands minds turn together

committed to truth, light and love –

peace is the prayer we sing deep inside

as we the world rocks and rumbles.

May Union be felt by those who reach foward,

who desire love, to heal wounds and to have peace in the heart

as across the globe sweeps a compassionate love vibration

let’s offer the spirit a salutation:

May our Mother spirit be healed

the Worlds become one

Revealed what was concealed

A new world begun

in the unquestioning, unconditional embrace

of the One Great Soul.