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Human beings how lucky we are

to be on this earth around this star

in a solar system divinely designed to keep us blind

to the rest of the cosmos and life on other worlds –

until we are ready to accept what’s there to find;

designed to keep us blind, as we evolve the human mind

beyond conflict to a place compassionate and kind,

and weave a planetary story that prepares us to take our place

in the universal family as the Divine Human Race.


Long ago there were humans who saw through it all

felt the Presence of Spirit and answered its call;

mind was uncluttered, there had been no Fall:

but the darkness was coming, they knew memories would fail

so they built great stone monuments that would ever prevail,

that would withstand the Elements, the storms and the gales

and keep their Great Secrets, their Holy Grail

until a time in the future when the Old Ways would once again rise –

after centuries in which magic had been ridiculed, her practitioners despised –

the Old Ways returning, the Great Wheel moving on,

a brand new humanity, singing new songs.


Life brings us to CRISIS POINTS

because we are here to HEAL

our wounds of disconnection

from the one thing that’s really real.

Life hits us with emotions

Because we’re here to FEEL

the nice stuff and the tough stuff

to build a powerful psychic field

that can channel higher vibrations

in the service of a RENEWED CREATION.


Life is sensual, erotic,

with a quiet mind there is little but delight,

body and heart connect us to spirit

but the mind can trap us in fright, fight and flight.

The Human Soul seeks to know

its greatest reach, its brightest show,

to soar through the Universe

and know itself at home on the Earth

to feel its Freedom and realise its Bliss –

to dance in Love and know the Spirit’s kiss.

Pleasure is a Goddess, the Ancients Knew

Pleasure dissolves the boundaries between Me and You.

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Once the Peoples of Europe danced with Dionysus

Saw Love as a Goddess and Pleasure as her Worship

Knew that mysteries of Sex, Gender and Intoxication

were routes to Holy Transcendence, Ecstasy, Elation.


The Peoples of Europe once spoke with the Trees

Danced and Made Love in Sacred Groves.

The Armies of the Cross destroyed all these

and nowadays few people know

the Dryads, the Sprites of Water and Fire

the Spirits in the Breeze.


The People in Europe once danced around Fires

Communed, told stories and saw pictures in the flames:

This healed Souls and brought Wonderment, Joy and Grace

Brought touch with the deep nature of the Human Race.


The Peoples of Europe once built Stone Circles

Aligned to the Stars and the Sun,

They honoured the Old Ones and danced with Faerie

and this Journey we’re still on was begun.


The Old People of Europe danced with the Goddess

calling her Diana, Aphrodite, Venus, Danu, Sulis, Cybele, Freya, Frigga…

Her Temples were Ancient and Holy

but the Christians named her the Devil

and attempted to wipe out Her worship and memory

by murdering her priestesses, desecrating her holy places

and burning heretics, sodomites and witches.


The Old People of Europe were Nature folk

In Nature which they met Divine Presence

But the Swords of the Cross came to impose another way

The Goddess retreated:

She permitted their wars, their corrupt ways

Permitted separation from Her bosom

Until the human journey to Selfhood is completed

until the final days of HISstory

and the Triumphant Coming of Hers.


We ARE the OLD ONES, We never went away

As we remember the soul’s truth, we reconnect to the Way

The Cycles of Eternity are bringing us Home

To a World full of Wonder and Light

We each have within us the Power and the Glory

We can bring this world out of its long dark night.

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